Below are some links to useful websites which provide financial information.

History of Money:

Wikipedia overview of the history of money

Nova beta - US TV science series

Thinkquest student projects on the history of money – also see Glyn Davies’ link at bottom of page

Glyn Davies’ history of money site, from ancient times to present day Inventor Site

Investopedia site on the root of money

XAT3 website, includes motivations of money lenders

Article: 'A Brief History of Money or, how we learned to stop worrying and embrace the abstraction'

ABC video on the global financial crisis

Mathematical explanation of limits to growth

History of Banking:

Wikipedia site on the history of banking

Wikipedia, history of Australian banks

Australian Bankers Association

Explanation of how much money is actually held by banks

Money as a Debt Instrument:

Money as Debt (includes further links to history of money, banking etc)

Money as Debt - Full Length Documentary

Debt=Money, Money=Debt

Modern Monetary Systems Explained

Australian Zeitgeist Movement – an explanation of the monetary system

For Schools:


One million kids

National financial literacy strategy

Citi Australia

Making cents

Commonwealth Bank

Westpac Bank – Davidson Institute/

Rich kid smart kid

For Children & Youth

Enjoy these interactive guides, and understand how to look after your money!

Fun facts about money

NRICH maths site, University of Cambridge

Young Explorers video

National Geographic video – fun way for kids to watch about different personality types and how they use money

US government site for kids – facts, activity sheets, games, videos

Australian site: teaching kids about money

US site: Saving Money Tips for Teens – offering a variety of resources and links

US site: Financial Literacy For Kids and Teens!

For Adults

Improve your personal finances with these educational books:

Dollars & Cents: A Practical Guide to Budgeting & Saving

Wheels: A Practical Guide to Buying a Car

Credit Wise: A Practical Guide to Getting & Managing Credit

Golden Egg: A Practical Guide to Wealth Creation

Bricks & Mortar: A Practical Guide to Buying Property

Lock & Key: A Practical Guide to Protecting Yourself & Your Assets

For Women:

Australian Government – financial literacy for women

Wire Women’s Information

Kim Kiyosaki – Rich Woman

Women’s Institute of Financial Education – WIFE

Economic Security for Women – report

Financial Literacy among Marginalised Women – Australian Government report

For Retirees:

Income sources in retirement - MoneySmart

National Information Centre on Retirement Investments

Older Australians

Planning for your retirement

Retirement Income Streams

Seniors and retirees essentials - The online source for all Australians over 50

Australian Government Aged Care Site

What Does Aged Care Cost?

Residential Care - Fees and Charges

Aged Care and Retirement Housing

For Property Investment:

Australian Property Investor magazine

Australian Taxation Office:


For Share Market Information:

Australian Securities Exchange

The Trading Room

Invest Smart

Financial Counselling:

Moneysmart page on Financial Counselling

Financial Ombudsman Service

Credit Ombudsman Service

Australian Government site on payments and benefits which may be available

Australian Government site on financial hardship assistance

Debt Management:

Moneysmart site on Debt Management

Australian Government site on benefits and payments available

Australian Government site on law and justice

Financial Ombudsman Service

Credit Ombudsman Service

America’s Debt Help Organization

THE FUTURE – Important considerations in creating lasting flourishing communities:

Post Carbon Institute

thoughtmaybe - The Story of Stuff Video

Doing It Ourselves

The Automatic Earth

Post Growth

Project Australia

Transition Network

REcononmy Project

Future Scenarios